“Lora, thank you for bringing The Reunion Project to Bridgewater. Not only did it bring pure joy during a time of loneliness & isolation, but also recognition to the joys & beauty of aging for all to see. Where there is darkness, there is light. Cheers to you!”
“Lora I just want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of everyone at Compass on the Bay for the stunning exhibit you have put together here for us. You made our female residents feel as though they have a purpose, and you captured such beautiful emotions in the words and pictures that now proudly are displayed in our community. We will never forget the joy we had in putting this all together with you! ”
“Thank you, Lora Brody, for bringing The Reunion Project to Brookline - to Goddard House Assisted Living and Brookline Senior Center. It was a wonderful, inspiring celebration of womens’ lives at Brookline Open Studios this past weekend and an affirmation of the experience, wisdom and beauty of our older selves.”
December 16, 2015
Dear Lora,
It was a pleasure participating in the Reunion Project with you. Thank you so much for sending the photo. I didn't know that it was possible for me to be pleased with a photo of myself, but even I liked the photo you took of me. It had a soft and natural quality about it, so I thank you very much for capturing that. You are a gifted photographer, and the project is such a meaningful and inspirational one. You are doing great work!
Marcia Schran
From Temple B'nai Or
Morristown, NJ
"Then I was full of fear. Now I'm practicing fearlessness."
"The most important thing in my life was being noticed. The most important thing in my life is self acceptance."
"Sometimes I get the feeling that just because I look the age I am no one is listening to me. I'm happy to know that someone realizes I still have something to say," says 69 year-old Ruth after participating in The Reunion Project.
October 25, 2014
I sent out an email the following day for individual responses to the event and here they are. These are 100% of the responses I received. I am thrilled to share them with you:
Laurie, event last night was one of the most interesting Sisterhood events I've attended. Excellent speaker that stimulated a good chat with my 'Partner.' Thanks!
The event was excellent! Based on what I have heard, all the ladies felt that way!
I think the event went fabulously last night. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and the speaker was amazing. I was so impressed by her. And the idea of having the women talk to someone they didn't know was a great idea, and I really enjoyed it
I also enjoyed the speaker and the time to get to know another person afterward. The program wasn’t too long, so I stayed until the end. I usually leave early.
I really enjoyed the program from start to finish. It was such a nice change from past "paid-up" dinners. I especially liked that it was interactive and gave us the opportunity to connect with people we don't usually connect with.
… In addition, I appreciated the theme and the effort made by both the younger and more senior women to get to know each other. Oftentimes when I go to the temple there are so many new faces I don't recognize; now I will know more of the newer, younger women.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Women's Dinner. I thought that it brought members of all ages together in a very creative way.
The speaker was awesome. Even though it felt late, everyone seemed to stay for the speaker and for discussion afterwards. That doesn't usually happen. It was very thought provoking.
Thank you for a fantastic evening that spanned the life-experiences of our organization.
Smile Always,
Laurie Spitz
Temple Aliyah Sisterhood
November 19, 2014
Dear Lora,
The reunion committee of the Sisters of St Joseph would like to thank you for not only your professionalism, but also your kindness and interest in our community.
Your project was truly inspiring and well thought out. It embraced the women in the community as well as those who are no longer members. It made them feel they had a voice as to their own personal life's journey. The committee was delighted that so many were eager to participate.
The women’s responses to your questionnaire were amazing. It mattered not whether they were still members of the community, married, widowed, divorced, or single, your questions were crafted beautifully to include everyone. They skillfully led the women to dive into parts of their journey they had not addressed in years, and to think through many complex issues.
Also, please extend our thanks to your assistants who took great care to explain the project and ensured safety when the more elderly participants had special needs (walking, hearing and seeing).
We know that our community is aging with the average age of 70 +. We feel that your project is a very important "marker" in not only individual lives, but our community's as well.
It was a great pleasure meeting you and we hope to stay in touch.
Connie Tavanis, co-chairwoman
Mary Decremer, co-chairwoman
Katie Mackie, events
Theresa Springer, events